Covid Safety


With the ongoing developments including variants Delta and Omicron we are asking clients to continue masking in our facility.

Our number one priority is you the client and the client coming in after you. We want to keep our workout space in a way in which every one of our clients and trainers feel safe to return to working out. We are constantly adjusting and building upon our original set of policies and procedures in order to continue offering a safe and great customer experience.

 As the COVID-19 pandemic continues I want to assure clients we will continue adhering to stringent protocols, informed by the most current knowledge on COVID-19 and its variants and always with your safety in mind. These include but are not limited to: 

- 1 on 1 work in adequate space for social distancing. We don't host a high risk, revolving door of group classes with different instructors and dozens of students.

- Symptomatic assessment for staff and clients to reduce risk of transmission. 

-Sanitizing wipes and cleaning protocols between clients will be the same in practice as it was before COVID-19

-The wearing of masks and maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet

- Strict protocols. Look sick when you get here? Feel off during a session? We'll politely, but firmly insist you head home--just as we would before COVID-1

MyoBio is proud to continue our commitment to science-based, data driven practices to see you through this time. No matter what your situation, this is a stressful time with implications for your goals, progress, and overall health. Let's work together to guide you toward increased body awareness as you exercise, not only how a particular move should feel, but working with the unique ways your body moves to do it properly.  

As always, we'll proceed with options that are best for your whole situation to keep you, your families, and your networks safe. You're more than a body: you're all the stories you bring. Get in touch, we'll help you manage your body's present, and help your write the future.