

Frequently Asked Questions


How Much is the REFITness Assessment? 

The MyoBio Assessment is around two hours in length and is  $170.00  We request you wear loose comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.  


My other gym does an assessment for free, why is it so expensive?

MyoBio does encourage you to sign up for an assessment at your current facility.  We are that confident in the time intensive work that we do. The purpose of our assessment is not to examine your level of fitness but to see how your body is or is not supporting your current lifestyle. WE are so confident in our assessment that should you not train with MyoBio you are welcome to take the starter program that we design for you and train at your local facility.  

Why so much health history? 

Having as much information as possible  allows MyoBio  to not only help pinpoint problem areas but it allows us to track long term trends in repetitive issues and chronic pain. This along with your body’s muscle and skeletal structure do play a part in what exercises sill suit you as well as how you should perform them. This attention to detail allows us to work with a variety of individuals regardless of fitness level or goal. All of this information is tracked digitally and this tracking helps us break that cycle and help reinforce better patterns. 

This is just the price of getting older isn't it? 

No, MyoBio believes in partnerships between your physician and other practitioners but the growing consensus of the medical and wellness community is that exercise coupled with other practices have a larger effect on the quality of life as we age than we have ever thought before.  The price of getting older is that we need to be a little more diligent in our growth and maintaining our anatomical structure. 


Ok, I want a REFITness assessment how do I get started? 

Wonderful! please contact our owner and founder Christopher Yeoman at the number below to request information or set up your assessment. If we are unable to take your call leave a message and we will be in touch with you as soon as we can.  Should you prefer to text  you can text this number as well. We look forward to working with you. 
